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Last updated: September 12, 2023
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If you are looking for a guide on ‘How to create/delete a Facebook Page’, you’re at the right place.

Social media has become an indispensable part of our lives. Be it political debates, celebrity news, a viral trend, or any other topic that you follow around the globe, it acts as a primary source of communication now. 

And the major credit for its popularity goes to Facebook. With around 3 billion active users worldwide, Facebook is the leading social media platform connecting its users with friends, family, and people with similar interests. 

With this, businesses have leveraged this social media platform as a marketing tool to attract customers and generate quality leads. Facebook pages have allowed businesses and public figures to build large communities, educate their audience about their products and services, and increase their online presence. 

No wonder over 200 million businesses are actively using Facebook. 

Read this article as we talk about the importance of Facebook business pages and a step-by-step process to create and delete a Facebook page. 

Why Create a Facebook Page? 

Irrespective of the business size, a Facebook business page is free online advertising for your business offerings. Without spending a dime, businesses can reach their target audience and gather organic leads seamlessly. 

Geekflare facebook page
Source: Facebook

Even consumers have turned passive and are more interested when businesses reach out to them organically. Facebook pages hold various advantages for businesses (be it local or global, small or big), all of which are listed below: 

#1. Directly connects customers with businesses 

Facebook business pages work like an active community forum where customers connect directly with the brands. It works like a digital word of mouth where consumers can instantly engage, discuss, ask questions, and learn about the brand.

Be it constructive or destructive notes from the customers; brands can instantly respond to the feedback, which is a great factor in boosting customer loyalty. The more the customers feel heard, the more likely they will stick to your business. 

Also, regular posting on your Facebook page garners higher engagement and attracts the most potential target audiences. 

#2. Gives cost-effective exposure to your brand 

What does it cost to create a Facebook page?  Absolutely nothing!

All you need is a Facebook profile to build a business page. When you include all the relevant details on your page, such as address, hours, timings, and website address, it works like your business directory in a specific category, similar to a LinkedIn Company Page

By specifying the industry, working hours, and address and following your content, your target users can decide if the business aligns with their needs. 

#3. Reach your target audience

Facebook is for all! But that doesn’t mean that businesses need to reach all of them. Facebook for Business is meant to reach their target audiences that are located in certain locations and belong to a demographic or a race. This leads to effective customer segmentation.

Reaching target audience
Source: Freepik

If you post the content consistently and use certain content types, Facebook algorithms identify the business type and target the right audience. If you run Facebook ads on your business page, it can reach your target audience quickly by specifying geographic location, age, interests, and more. This improves your market segmentation, which affects your conversion rate optimization.

Suppose you own a fitness studio and run Facebook ads. In that case, you can boost it by specifying your geographical location within a 10 km radius and targeting men and women aged 15-50. 

#4. Test brand content and messaging 

What sets your social media apart from offline advertising like billboards or flyers? 

You get to test and customize the brand messaging without any cost. By A/B testing the Facebook ads, you can test and analyze what works in the right direction for your brand. Also, the Facebook posts reach only your specific audience, streamlining the costs, whereas all can display the billboards. 

Why Public Figures Need Facebook Pages?

Creating a Facebook page for public celebrities is like brand building. A Facebook page for a public figure does personal branding for you.

For example, a political leader will share posts that talk about their party’s achievements, discuss problems with the people, and educate their followers about the political goals. 

Here are some good reasons why social media pages are a big plus for public figures: 

#1. Brand Building

Be it LinkedIn or Facebook, your followers are more interested in reading a personal story rather than a business achievement. That’s how brands like Cred did and succeeded

Cred’s CEO, Kunal Shah, first created a personal brand and then shifted the gear towards its parent brand. By following the authoritative person, people become curious about knowing what brand he owns! 

Furthermore, CEOs can share business success stories through storytelling and talk about the problems and solutions people are curious about. 

#2. Information Dissemination

Public figures can use their Facebook Pages to share important updates, news, and information. This proves valuable for politicians and public servants who want to communicate with their constituents or celebrities. 

#3. Community Building

Consider the Facebook page as a community. Your Facebook public page works like a community of followers who can engage over a topic, share thoughts, and drop a personal message. 

Community building on social media
Source: Freepik

By replying to the comments and using features such as Live streaming, public figures can claim the authenticity of their pages and distinguish their authentic profile from potential impersonators or fake accounts.

How Facebook Page is different from a Public Profile? 

One of the many reasons why you need a Facebook business page is because of the platform’s strict terms and policies. According to Facebook policies, it is against their terms to create a public profile for business purposes. 

The consequences could be the deletion or permanent ban of your Facebook account. Above all, a Facebook page has various advantages for your business that a public profile might not. 

#1. Page likes work as a proof of authority

The major difference between a public profile and a page is that of authority. While the public profile shows the number of friends, a Facebook page displays the likes and followers.

When someone likes your page, they become followers as well. Here’s the snapshot of Facebook Page and followers:

Facebook snapshot of Neil Patel
Source: Facebook

It is fairly easy to add and become friends with anyone on Facebook. But you can’t gain everyone’s likes on the Page. When you post meaningful and authoritative content on Facebook, you are likely to gain attention from the relevant audiences. 

Higher page likes are a testament that the business posts content targeted at a specific audience and industry. 

#2. Pages give detailed insights and analytics

Your business can’t run on guesswork! Numbers are crucial to track if things are going the right way.  With a Facebook page, you can get insights on your posts and track user engagement

Facebook analytics provides various metrics, including: 

  • Page likes and comments  (in avg. 30 days)
  • Total post-engagement rate, 
  • Compares page performance over a period of time 
  • Post clicks

There is no such feature to get a compiled record of page likes, comments, and post clicks. 

#3. Run Ads to boost engagement.  

When you publish a post on your Facebook page, you might notice a small button to boost it as an ad. Unfortunately, the Facebook public profile has no such option because Ads are only meant for commercial purposes. 

Even if you want to highlight your personal achievements or learnings among a large audience, it is possible with Facebook ads. By boosting your posts, you can target a specific audience section and get higher engagement on your page. 

#4. Flexibility to assign multiple roles 

A business page on Facebook allows its admin to assign roles if there are multiple users of the page. Admins can assign different roles, such as editor, moderator, and jobs manager, each of which has restricted permissions and limitations. 

Facebook page- assign new roles

This way, page owners can assign different roles to their users, such as responding to customer requests, creating content and sharing it, posting jobs, and more. 

#5. Create and manage various pages 

Imagine logging in and out to different profiles if you have multiple businesses to manage. Thankfully, Facebook pages allow you to manage multiple pages from a single public profile. 

You can seamlessly switch from one page to another to manage and post your content. And the best part is that there is no limit on how many pages you can create. Thus, Facebook pages are best if you want to run multiple business pages. 

That’s what every social media agency does.

Also read: Social Media Management Tools to manage multiple accounts.

How to Create a Facebook Page? 

Now that you have learned about the advantages of Facebook pages, let’s jump right into the step-by-step process of creating the Facebook pages.  

Whether you want to create a page for your business or a public figure, you have different options to choose from. 

Step 1: Choose a personal Facebook account

You need a Facebook personal account to create your business or public figure page. The account that you use for creating your page will be your admin account. Log in to your Facebook account and head to the Create page option. 

You can also use the Menu option on the left side to choose the ‘Create Page’ option. 

Create Facebook page

Step 2: Fill in your details

The next step is to enter the basic details of your page. There are more details to be filled in later on, but you need three basic information to proceed, as these will be on the frontline of your page. 

Fill basic details- creating Facebook page
  • Name: This field is your business name or page title. If there is the same business or company as yours on Facebook, you need to add a descriptor to make it clear for your followers. 
  • Category:  There are various category options to choose from. Start typing the category name, and it will suggest you the options. 
  • Description:  Describe your business in one or two lines and ensure a keyword is included. 

Next, tap on ‘Create Page’ to proceed. 

Creating Page on Facebook

That’s it; your Facebook Page is live and done!

Step 3: Add more information 

Now, there is some additional information that helps your business become more visible. Add business information like business hours, location, website address, and any other relevant detail to make your brand more noticeable. 

Enter additional information- Facebook page

Step 4: Add the profile picture and cover

To make your brand more recognizable, it is recommended to add your business logo and cover image. Your profile picture should have your brand logo and a creative cover image

Add profile picture and cover photo

Your cover picture can have a team page, colorful text, and a catchphrase. 

Geekflare cover photo and profile

The optimal size for your page logo and cover images are: 

  • Profile picture: Square format, at least 170px x 170px
  • Cover photo: 851px x 315px

Step 5: Add a CTA button

Want your followers to land on your website or a landing page? Try the CTA button feature on your business page, as a call to action is integral to quicker conversions. 

You can edit your call to action button specific to what you want your followers to perform. On the left side, click on the ‘Edit Call button’, and you will have various options for customizing the CTA. 

Choose whether you want to book an appointment, sign up, view shop, or want your customers to send you Whatsapp messages.

Add call to action button on Facebook Page

You can also test or delete the button if it is not required. 

That’s how you create your Facebook page. In the next step, you can invite your Facebook friends to like your business page, which can be the stepping stone for your page.

Start publishing your posts and witness the engagement building up. 

Why delete a Facebook page? 

There are a plethora of reasons why you need a Facebook page and some good reasons to delete your page. 

Let’s take a look at these reasons why you need to delete your page: 

  • Privacy concern: The recent privacy scandals have exposed the vulnerable side of Facebook. Many businesses and public figures have quit Facebook and are on the verge of deleting their Instagram account because they feel uncomfortable with Meta’s data collection practices and potential misuse. 
  • No activity: There are tons of dead pages on Facebook that have remained inactive for years. Even if you start publishing the posts again, you will have a hard time gaining the engagement as before. 
  • Desire to start fresh: Some people want to start again and create a page from scratch without the baggage of their old Facebook page. Starting a new page might be a good option in this case. 

How to Delete Facebook Page? 

Follow these steps to delete your Facebook page: 

1. Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to the pages. 

List of Facebook pages

2. Choose the page that you want to delete.

3. On the Page, scroll down the Meta Business Suite.  

Deleting Facebook page- manage profile and page

5. Hit Settings.

settings option on Facebook page

4. Click on ‘General Settings.’

General Settings for Facebook page

5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you’ll have the option ‘Remove Page’.

6. Hit ‘Edit’. 

Remove Facebook page

7. Click on Permanently Delete: XYZ page. 

Delete Facebook page permanently

8. Click on Delete Page. It’s done!

You still have the option to restore your page within 30 days of deletion. After 30 days, your page will be permanently removed.


A public Facebook page is a great way to get your brand visible and ahead of the competitors. With such a large customer base on Facebook, it makes sense as to why you need a page for your business. 

All you need is a great content strategy and stay consistent with your posting. Learn about the best times to post on Facebook, and if needed, put the Facebook optimization tools into practice to gain more engagement. 

  • Harshit Baluja
    Harshit is a freelance SEO and Content Writer with 6 years of experience. He has written for various niches but his favorite is SaaS. He has worked for various businesslike EngageBay, GoDaddy, and others. When at leisure, he likes to read up… read more
  • Joy R Bhamre

    Joy R Bhamre is a Google certified Digital Marketing Specialist, Content Writer & Editor as well as a Cambridge-certified English Language Trainer with over 14 years of corporate experience.

    She is an English Literature… read more

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